Revitalizer Tea

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Bestseller - Fire Igniter

You’ve heard the expression, “chilled to the bone?” Intuitively, we all know that chilly weather creates coldness deep within our bodies. Teas that increase yang energy can help warm your vital organs, support blood circulation, and dispel that deep chill during rainy days. Fire Igniter has been specially crafted to boost our Yang energy to bring warmth to our cold limbs and body!

Revitalizer - Premium Chinese Herbs


TCM ancient remedies and herbs are shockingly simple, yet comprehensive in their approach to otherwise nonsensical ill-health.

Our herbal blends are quite specifically ‘stepping-stones’ to the magic of TCM – with our aim always being a personalised consult with a TCM practitoner to understand your unique biology, energy and thus needs.


At Revitalizer, we are committed to making the complicated simple, to bridge the gap between tradition and lifestyle.

By providing easy access to the natural remedies in traditional Chinese medicine, we hope you will find the keys to your personal wellness, even in the busyness of everyday life.


Our specially formulated tea minimizes the discomfort during your period. Replenish your body’s energy after you recover from all that outflow of blood. Nourish and rebalance your body in preparation for your next cycle. Consider replacing your daily caffeinated drinks with our caffeine-free, nutrient-rich tea.


Drink your Revitalizer tea for as long as it takes you to form a habit! As with everything in life, the more consistent you are, the more results you will see. Start your monthly subscription at just SGD $50 now.

TCM offers an ode to your body, handing you your ‘manual’. It teaches you how to operate your vessel, then hands over the responsibility over to you.

New Revitalizer Teas

Fire Igniter

You’ve heard the expression, “chilled to the bone?” Intuitively, we all know that chilly weather creates coldness deep within our bodies. Teas that increase yang energy can help warm your vital organs, support blood circulation, and dispel that deep chill during rainy days. Fire Igniter has been specially crafted to boost our Yang energy to bring warmth to our cold limbs and body!

Midnight Oil Refill

Spending long hours at work, rushing a drama marathon in wee hours, friends with cigarette and alcohol? These habits put a strain on your Liver function. Take a cup of Midnight Oil Refill to disperse Liver heat and moisten your tired eyes.

Fat Me Not

Have you been told of having a damp constitution feeling tired easily with occasional pimple outbreak, heavy pressure in your head, obese body weight, and observe a thick tongue coating? Hurry and have a cup of Body Toner, Fat me not to boost up Spleen function and remove dampness efficiently in your body ?

Womb Warmer

Have you been told of having a cold womb, experiencing scanty menses flow and irregular cycle? Feeling the PMS moment? Treat youself to a cup of Womb Warmer to lighten mood and have a smooth menses cycle.

Stress Buster

Feeling frustrated with the overwhelming workload and life stress? Fear not and have a cup of Stress Buster to chill and relax

Buff Me Up

Always lethargic and unable to stay focus or you feeling sickly soon? Revive your immunity with a cup of Buff Me Up tea to stay alert and energized

K Thx Night

Worn out and feeling drained after a busy day? Have a cup of K-thx-night to wind down and pamper youself to get ready for a good night rest

Eat Die Me

Uh-oh! Having a supersized meal and feeling the queasy bloating sensation in your tummy? Try having a cup of Eat-die-me tea to ease these discomfort and continue to enjoy your meal

Vibrant Lady

Women's beauty shine from within and our signature Vibrant Lady helps you to have confidence in your inner beauty.

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