Li Jing Wang 理经丸




Women share a close relationship with menstruation. It is a physical process that lasts throughout most of their lifetime from puberty to pregnancy and then menopause. The quality of the menstrual cycle also affects a woman’s life in different ways.

  1. Menstrual cycles can be made uncomfortable due to carious reasons like heavy or weak menstrual flow, late or early periods, pains and cramps, and other symptoms like breast tenderness, headache, backache etc.
  2. It can also affect other aspects of their lives. If there is unstable pregnancy due to the low quality of follicles, difficulty with conception, regular abortions etc, it can affect one’s familial happiness and marriage.
  3. Menopause can also affect women’s quality of life with problems like hot flashes, insomnia, heart palpitations, depression and decline of physical health etc.
Treatment Area:
  • Treatment and conditioning of discomforts caused by the menstrual cycle including headaches, pain and cramps, breast tenderness, backaches etc.
  • To improve ovarian function.
  • Delay the onset of and improve symptoms during menopause such as hot flashes, insomnia, emotional disorder etc.
For treatment of general body weakness:
2 capsules to be taken each time with lukewarm water, twice a day.
For overall health well-being:
2 capsules to be taken each time with lukewarm water, once a day.

Effects: Regulate menstruation, strengthen uterine function, delay and improve menopause symptoms.

 Manufactured for

Time Enterprise TCM
12 Kallang Avenue, Aperia Mall #03-16,
Singapore 339511
Tel: +65 6294 6880
Fax: +65 6291 9329

Allowed for sale as a Chinese Proprietary Medicine based on information submitted to the Authority. Consumer discretion is advised.


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