In EMW TCM, we aspire to educate the public about the integration of both Western and Eastern medical intervention, and how it can benefit us in the long term. In this fast-paced era, we tend to neglect certain signals that our body may convey to us, resulting in more niggling issues and illness where we could have nipped the problem in the bud before it further deteriorates. Therefore we hope to provide informative, educative and interactive talks for our participants as we will provide tips for everyone to do it either at the office or home.

Popular topics:

  • Pain and Stress Management
  • Posture Awareness
  • How to strengthen our immunity in TCM approach?
  • Women’s Health (General)(Fertility)(Menopause)
  • How to improve our sleeping quality? 
  • Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyle!
  • Are we neglecting our body signal?

Besides the topics mentioned above, we are able to customise the topic to your preference. To book a health talk for your company, you may send an email to and we will respond to you as soon as possible.